THE FORM AND FUNCTION of multicellular organism would not be possible without efficient communication among cells, tissues, and organs. In higher plants, regulation and coordination of metabolism, growth, and morphogenesis often depend on chemical signals from one part of the plant to another. This idea originated in the nineteenth century with the German botanist Julius von Sachs (1832–1897).
Sachs proposed that chemical messengers are responsible for the formation and growth of different plant organs. He also suggested that external factors such as gravity could affect the distribution of these substances within a plant. Although Sachs did not know the identity of these chemical messengers, his ideas led to their eventual discovery.
Many of our current concepts about intercellular communication in plants have been derived from similar studies in animals. In animals the chemical messengers that mediate intercellular communication are called hormones. Hormones interact with specific cellular proteins called receptors.

Auxins Promote Growth in Stems and Coleoptiles, While Inhibiting Growth in Roots As we have seen, auxin is synthesized in the shoot apex and transported basipetally to the tissues below. The steady supply of auxin arriving at the subapical region of the stem or coleoptile is required for the continued elongation of these cells. Because the level of endogenous auxin in the elongation region of a normal healthy plant is nearly optimal for growth, spraying the plant with exogenous auxin causes only a modest and short-lived stimulation in growth, and may even be inhibitory in the case of dark grown seedlings, which are more sensitive to supraoptimal auxin concentrations than light-grown plants are.
However, when the endogenous source of auxin is removed by excision of sections containing the elongation zones, the growth rate rapidly decreases to a low basal rate. Such excised sections will often respond dramatically to exogenous auxin by rapidly increasing their growth rate back to the level in the intact plant.

Auxin Rapidly Increases the Extensibility of the Cell Wall
How does auxin cause a five to ten fold increase in the growth rate in only 10 minutes? To understand the mechanism, we must first review the process of cell enlargement in plants . Plant cells expand in three steps:
1. Osmotic uptake of water across the plasma membrane is driven by the gradient in water potential (ΔYw).
2. Turgor pressure builds up because of the rigidity of the cell wall.
3. Biochemical wall loosening occurs, allowing the cell to expand in response to turgor pressure.

Auxin-Induced Proton Extrusion Acidifies the Cell Wall and Increases Cell Extension
According to the widely accepted acid growth hypothesis, hydrogen ions act as the intermediate between auxin and cell wall loosening. The source of the hydrogen ions is the plasma membrane H+ ATPase, whose activity is thought to increase in response to auxin. The acid growth hypothesis allows five main predictions:
1. Acid buffers alone should promote short-term growth, provided the cuticle has been abraded to allow the protons access to the cell wall.
2. Auxin should increase the rate of proton extrusion (wall acidification), and the kinetics of proton extrusion should closely match those of auxin-induced growth.
3. Neutral buffers should inhibit auxin-induced growth.
4. Compounds (other than auxin) that promote proton extrusion should stimulate growth.
5. Cell walls should contain a “wall loosening factor” with an acidic pH optimum.

Auxin-Induced Proton Extrusion May Involve Both Activation and Synthesis
In theory, auxin could increase the rate of proton extrusion by two possible mechanisms:
1. Activation of preexisting plasma membrane H+ ATPases
2. Synthesis of new H+ ATPases on the plasma membrane.

Three main guidance systems control the orientation of plant growth:
1. Phototropism, or growth with respect to light, is expressed in all shoots and some roots; it ensures that leaves will receive optimal sunlight for photosynthesis.
2. Gravitropism, growth in response to gravity, enables roots to grow downward into the soil and shoots to grow upward away from the soil, which is especially critical during the early stages of germination.
3. Thigmotropism, or growth with respect to touch, enables roots to grow around rocks and is responsible for the ability of the shoots of climbing plants to wrap around other structures for support.

Although originally discovered in relation to growth, auxin influences nearly every stage of a plant’s life cycle from germination to senescence. Because the effect that auxin produces depends on the identity of the target tissue, the response of a tissue to auxin is governed by its developmentally determined genetic program and is further influenced by the presence or absence of other signaling molecules.
As we will see in this and subsequent chapters, interaction between two or more hormones is a recurring theme in plant development.
In this blog  we will examine some additional developmental processes regulated by auxin, including apical dominance, leaf abscission, lateral-root formation, and vascular differentiation. Throughout this discussion we assume that the primary mechanism of auxin action is comparable in all cases, involving similar receptors and signal transduction pathways. The current state of our knowledge of auxin signaling pathways will be considered at the end of the chapter.

Auxin Regulates Apical Dominance
In most higher plants, the growing apical bud inhibits the growth of lateral (axillary) buds—a phenomenon called apical dominance. Removal of the shoot apex (decapitation)  usually results in the growth of one or more of the lateral buds. Not long after the discovery of auxin, it was found that IAA could substitute for the apical bud in maintaining the inhibition of lateral buds of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants.

Auxin Promotes the Formation of Lateral and Adventitious Roots
Although elongation of the primary root is inhibited by auxin concentrations greater than 10–8 M, initiation of lateral (branch) roots and adventitious roots is stimulated by high auxin levels. Lateral roots are commonly found above the elongation and root hair zone and originate from small groups of cells in the pericycle . Auxin stimulates these pericycle cells to divide. The dividing cells gradually form into a root apex, and the lateral root grows through the root cortex and epidermis. Adventitious roots (roots originating from nonroot tissue) can arise in a variety of tissue locations from clusters of mature cells that renew their cell division activity. These dividing cells develop into a root apical meristem in a manner somewhat analogous to the formation of lateral roots. In horticulture, the stimulatory effect of auxin on the formation of adventitious roots has been very useful for the vegetative propagation of plants by cuttings.

Auxin Delays the Onset of Leaf Abscission
The shedding of leaves, flowers, and fruits from the living plant is known as abscission. These parts abscise in a region called the abscission zone, which is located near the base of the petiole of leaves. In most plants, leaf abscission is preceded by the differentiation of a distinct layer of cells, the abscission layer, within the abscission zone. During leaf senescence, the walls of the cells in the abscission layer are digested, which causes them to become soft and weak.
The leaf eventually breaks off at the abscission layer as a result of stress on the weakened cell walls. Auxin levels are high in young leaves, progressively decrease in maturing leaves, and are relatively low in senescing leaves when the abscission process begins. The role of auxin in leaf abscission can be readily demonstrated by excision of the blade from a mature leaf, leaving the petiole intact on the stem. Whereas removal of the leaf blade accelerates the formation of the abscission layer in the petiole, application of IAA in lanolin paste to the cut surface of the petiole prevents the formation of the abscission layer. (Lanolin paste alone does not prevent abscission.)
These results suggest the following:
• Auxin transported from the blade normally prevents abscission.
• Abscission is triggered during leaf senescence, when auxin is no longer being produced.

Auxin Transport Regulates Floral Bud Development
Treating Arabidopsis plants with the auxin transport inhibitor NPA causes abnormal floral development, suggesting that polar auxin transport in the inflorescence meristem is required for normal floral development. In Arabidopsis, the “pin-formed” mutant pin1, which lacks an auxin efflux carrier in shoot tissues, has abnormal flower similar to those of NPA-treated plants. Apparently the developing floral meristem depends on auxin being transported to it from subapical tissues. In the absence of the efflux carriers, the meristem is starved for auxin, and normal phyllotaxis and floral development are disrupted.

Auxin Promotes Fruit Development
Much evidence suggests that auxin is involved in the regulation of fruit development. Auxin is produced in pollen and in the endosperm and the embryo of developing seeds, and the initial stimulus for fruit growth may result from pollination. Successful pollination initiates ovule growth, which is known as fruit set. After fertilization, fruit growth may depend on auxin produced in developing seeds. The endosperm may contribute auxin during the initial stage of fruit growth, and the developing embryo.

Auxin Induces Vascular Differentiation
New vascular tissues differentiate directly below developing buds and young growing leaves, and removal of the young leaves prevents vascular differentiation . The ability of an apical bud to stimulate vascular differentiation can be demonstrated in tissue culture. When the apical bud is grafted onto a clump of undifferentiated cells, or callus, xylem and phloem differentiate beneath the graft.
The relative amounts of xylem and phloem formed are regulated by the auxin concentration: High auxin concentrations induce the differentiation of xylem and phloem, but only phloem differentiates at low auxin concentrations.
Similarly, experiments on stem tissues have shown that low auxin concentrations induce phloem differentiation, whereas higher IAA levels induce xylem . The regeneration of vascular tissue following wounding is also controlled by auxin produced by the young leaf directly above the wound site . Removal of the leaf prevents the regeneration of vascular tissue, and applied auxin can substitute for the leaf in stimulating regeneration. Synthetic Auxins Have a Variety of Commercial Uses Auxins have been used commercially in agriculture and horticulture for more than 50 years. The early commercial uses included prevention of fruit and leaf drop, promotion of flowering in pineapple, induction of parthenocarpic fruit, thinning of fruit, and rooting of cuttings for plant propagation. Rooting is enhanced if the excised leaf or stem cutting is dipped in an auxin solution, which increases the initiation of adventitious roots at the cut end. This is the basis of commercial rooting compounds, which consist mainly of a synthetic auxin mixed with talcum powder.

In some plant species, seedless fruits may be produced naturally, or they may be induced by treatment of the unpollinated flowers with auxin. The production of such seedless fruits is called parthenocarpy. In stimulating the formation of parthenocarpic fruits, auxin may act primarily to induce fruit set, which in turn may trigger the endogenous production of auxin by certain fruit tissues to complete the developmental process. Ethylene is also involved in fruit development, and some of the effects of auxin on fruiting may result from the promotion of ethylene synthesis.


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