This blog  deals with the role of light in photosynthesis, the structure of the photosynthetic apparatus, and the processes that begin with the excitation of chlorophyll by light and culminate in the synthesis of ATP and NADPH.

Here we will consider in detail the chemical reactions involved in electron transfer during photosynthesis. We will discuss the excitation of chlorophyll by light and the reduction of the first electron acceptor, the flow of electrons through photosystems II and I, the oxidation of water as the primary source of electrons, and the reduction of the final electron acceptor (NADP+).
 Almost all the chemical processes that make up the light reactions of photosynthesis are carried out by four major protein complexes: photosystem II, the cytochrome b6f complex, photosystem I, and the ATP synthase. These four integral membrane complexes are vectorally oriented in the thylakoid membrane to function as follows.
Photosystem II oxidizes water to O2 in the thylakoid lumen and in the process releases protons into the lumen.
Cytochrome b6 f receives electrons from PSII and delivers them to PSI. It also transports additional protons into the lumen from the stroma.
• Photosystem I reduces NADP+ to NADPH in the stroma by the action of ferredoxin (Fd) and the flavoprotein ferredoxin–NADP reductase (FNR).
• ATP synthase produces ATP as protons diffuse back through it from the lumen into the stroma.

The transfer of electrons and protons in the thylakoid membrane is carried out vectorially by four proteincomplexes. Water is oxidized and protons are released in the lumen by PSII. PSI reduces NADP+ to NADPH in the stroma, via the action of ferredoxin (Fd) and the flavoprotein ferredoxin–NADP reductase (FNR). Protons are also transported into the lumen by the action of the cytochrome b6 f complex and contribute to the electrochemical proton gradient. These protons must then diffuse to the ATP synthase enzyme, where their diffusion down the electrochemical potential gradient is used to synthesize ATP in the stroma. Reduced plastoquinone (PQH2) and plastocyanin transfer electrons to cytochrome b6 f and to PSI, respectively. Dashed lines represent electron transfer; solid lines represent proton movement.

Energy Is Captured When an Excited Chlorophyll Reduces an Electron Acceptor Molecule
The first reaction that converts electron energy into chemical energy that is, the primary photochemical event is the transfer of an electron from the excited state  of a chlorophyll in the reaction center to an acceptor molecule. An equivalent way to view this process is that the absorbed photon causes an electron rearrangement in the reaction center chlorophyll, followed by an electron transfer process in which part of the energy in the photon is captured in the form of redox energy. Immediately after the photochemical event, the reaction center chlorophyll is in an oxidized state (electron deficient, or positively charged) and the nearby electron acceptor molecule is reduced (electron rich, or negatively charged). The system is now at a critical juncture. The lower-energy orbital of the positively charged oxidized reaction center chlorophyll has a vacancy and can accept an electron. If the acceptor molecule donates its electron back to the reaction center chlorophyll, the system will be returned to the state that existed before the light excitation, and all the absorbed energy will be converted into heat. This wasteful recombination process, however, does not appear to occur to any substantial degree in functioning reaction centers. Instead, the acceptor transfers its extra electron to a secondary acceptor and so on down the electron transport chain. The oxidized reaction center of the chlorophyll that had donated an electron is re-reduced by a secondary donor, which in turn is reduced by a tertiary donor. In plants, the ultimate electron donor is H2O, and the ultimate electron acceptor is NADP+.

The essence of photosynthetic energy storage is thus the initial transfer of an electron from an excited chlorophyll to an acceptor molecule, followed by a very rapid series of secondary chemical reactions that separate the positive and negative charges. These secondary reactions separate the charges to opposite sides of the thylakoid membrane in approximately 200 picoseconds (1 picosecond = 10–12 s). With the charges thus separated, the reversal reaction is many orders of magnitude slower, and the energy has been captured. Each of the secondary electron transfers is accompanied by a loss of some energy, thus making the process effectively irreversible. The quantum yield for the production of stable products in purified reaction centers from photosynthetic bacteria has been measured as 1.0; that is, every photon produces stable products, and no reversal reactions occur.
Although these types of measurements have not been made on purified reaction centers from higher plants, the measured quantum requirements for O2 production under optimal conditions (low-intensity light) indicate that the values for the primary photochemical events are very close to 1.0. The structure of the reaction center appears to be extremely fine-tuned for maximal rates of productive reactions and minimal rates of energy-wasting reactions.

The Reaction Center Chlorophylls of the Two Photosystems Absorb at Different Wavelengths
PSI and PSII have distinct absorption characteristics. Precise measurements of absorption maxima were made possible by optical changes in the reaction center chlorophylls in the reduced and oxidized states. The reaction center chlorophyll is transiently in an oxidized state after losing an electron and before being re-reduced by its electron donor.
In the oxidized state, the strong light absorbance in the red region of the spectrum that is characteristic of chlorophylls is lost, or bleached. It is therefore possible to monitor the redox state of these chlorophylls by time-resolved optical absorbance measurements in which this bleaching is monitored directly . Using such techniques, Bessel Kok found that the reaction center chlorophyll of photosystem I absorbs maximally at 700 nm in its reduced state. Accordingly, this chlorophyll is named P700 (the P stands for pigment). H. T. Witt and coworkers found the analogous optical transient of photosystem II at 680 nm, so its reaction center chlorophyll is known as P680. And the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll from purple photosynthetic bacteria as P870.
The X-ray structure of the bacterial reaction center clearly indicates that P870 is a closely coupled pair or dimer of bacteriochlorophylls, rather than a single molecule. The primary donor of photosystem I, P700, is a dimer of chlorophyll a molecules. Photosystem II also contains a dimer of chlorophylls, although the primary donor, P680, may not reside entirely on these pigments. In the oxidized state, reaction center chlorophylls contain an unpaired electron.

The Photosystem II Reaction Center Is a Multisubunit Pigment–Protein Complex
Photosystem II is contained in a multisubunit protein supercomplex . In higher plants, the multisubunit protein supercomplex has two complete reaction centers and some antenna complexes.
The core of the reaction center consists of two membrane proteins known as D1 and D2, as well as other proteins, .The primary donor chlorophyll (P680), additional chlorophylls, carotenoids, pheophytins, and plastoquinones (two electron acceptors described in the following section) are bound to the membrane proteins D1 and D2. These proteins have some sequence similarity to the L and M peptides of purple bacteria. Other proteins serve as antenna complexes or are involved in oxygen evolution. Some, such as cytochrome b559, have no known function but may be involved in a protective cycle around photosystem II.

Water Is Oxidized to Oxygen by Photosystem II
Water is oxidized according to the following chemical reaction (Hoganson and Babcock 1997):
                      2 H2O O2 + 4 H+ + 4 e–
This equation indicates that four electrons are removed from two water molecules, generating an oxygen molecule and four hydrogen ions.
Water is a very stable molecule. Oxidation of water to form molecular oxygen is very difficult, and the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving complex is the only known biochemical system that carries out this reaction. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution is also the source of almost all the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere.
The protons produced by water oxidation are released into the lumen of the thylakoid, not directly into the stromal compartment . They are released into the lumen because of the vectorial nature of the membrane and the fact that the oxygen-evolving complex is localized on the interior surface of the thylakoid. These protons are eventually transferred from the lumen to the stroma by translocation through ATP synthase. In this way the protons released during water oxidation contribute to the electrochemical potential driving ATP formation.
It has been known for many years that manganese (Mn) is an essential cofactor in the water-oxidizing process, and a classic hypothesis in photosynthesis research postulates that Mn ions undergo a series of oxidations— which are known as S states, and are labeled S0, S1, S2, S3, and S4  that are perhaps linked to H2O oxidation and the generation of O2.
This hypothesis has received strong support from a variety of experiments, most notably X-ray absorption and ESR studies, both of which detect the manganese directly. Analytical experiments indicate that four Mn ions are associated with each oxygen-evolving complex. Other experiments have shown that Cl and Ca2+ ions are essential for O2 evolution.
One electron carrier, generally identified as Yz, functions between the oxygen-evolving complex and P680 . To function in this region, Yz needs to have a very strong tendency to retain its electrons. This species has been identified as a radical formed from a tyrosine residue in the D1 protein of the PSII reaction center.

Pheophytin and Two Quinones Accept Electrons from Photosystem II
Evidence from spectral and ESR studies indicates that pheophytin acts as an early acceptor in photosystem II, followed by a complex of two plastoquinones in close proximity to an iron atom. Pheophytin is a chlorophyll in which the central magnesium atom has been replaced by two hydrogen atoms. This chemical change gives pheophytin chemical and spectral properties that are slightly different from those of chlorophyll. The precise arrangement of the carriers in the electron acceptor complex is not known, but it is probably very similar to that of the reaction center of purple bacteria.
Two plastoquinones (QA and QB) are bound to the reaction center and receive electrons from pheophytin in a sequential fashion . Transfer of the two electrons to QB reduces it to QB 2–, and the reduced QB 2– takes two protons from the stroma side of the medium, yielding a fully reduced plastohydroquinone (QH2). The plastohydroquinone then dissociates from the reaction center complex and enters the hydrocarbon portion of the membrane, where it in turn transfers its electrons to the cytochrome b6 f complex. Unlike the large protein complexes of the thylakoid membrane, hydroquinone is a small, nonpolar molecule that diffuses readily in the nonpolar core of the membrane bilayer.

Electron Flow through the Cytochrome b6f Complex Also Transports Protons
The cytochrome b6 f complex is a large multisubunit protein with several prosthetic groups .It contains two b-type hemes and one c-type heme (cytochrome f ). In c-type cytochromes the heme is covalently attached to the peptide; in b-type cytochromes the chemically similar protoheme group is not covalently attached. In addition, the complex contains a Rieske iron–sulfur protein (named for the scientist who discovered it), in which two iron atoms are bridged by two sulfur atoms. The structures of cytochrome f and the related cytochrome bc1 complex have been determined and suggest a mechanism for electron and proton flow. The precise way by which electrons and protons flow through the cytochrome b6 f complex is not yet fully understood, but a mechanism known as the Q cycle accounts for most of the observations. In this mechanism, plastohydroquinone (QH2) is oxidized, and one of the two electrons is passed along a linear electron transport chain toward photosystem I, while the other electron goes through a cyclic process that increases the number of protons pumped across the membrane.

In the linear electron transport chain, the oxidized Rieske protein (FeSR) accepts an electron from plastohydroquinone (QH2) and transfers it to cytochrome f . Cytochrome f then transfers an electron to the blue-colored copper protein plastocyanin (PC), which in turn reduces oxidized P700 of PSI. In the cyclic part of the process, the plastosemiquinone transfers its other electron to one of the b-type hemes, releasing both of its protons to the lumenal side of the membrane. The b-type heme transfers its electron through the second b-type heme to an oxidized quinone molecule, reducing it to the semiquinone form near the stromal surface of the complex. Another similar sequence of electron flow fully reduces the plastoquinone, which picks up protons from the stromal side of the membrane and is released from the b6 f complex as plastohydroquinone.
The net result of two turnovers of the complex is that two electrons are transferred to P700, two plastohydroquinones are oxidized to the quinone form, and one oxidized plastoquinone is reduced to the hydroquinone form. In addition, four protons are transferred from the stromal to the lumenal side of the membrane.

By this mechanism, electron flow connecting the acceptor side of the PSII reaction center to the donor side of the PSI reaction center also gives rise to an electrochemical potential across the membrane, due in part to H+ concentration differences on the two sides of the membrane. This electrochemical potential is used to power the synthesis of ATP. The cyclic electron flow through the cytochrome b and plastoquinone increases the number of protons pumped per electron beyond what could be achieved in a strictly linear sequence.

Plastoquinone and Plastocyanin Carry Electrons between Photosystems II and I
The location of the two photosystems at different sites on the thylakoid membranes requires that at least one component be capable of moving along or within the membrane in order to deliver electrons produced by photosystem II to photosystem I. The cytochrome b6 f complex is distributed equally between the grana and the stroma regions of the membranes, but its large size makes it unlikely that it is the mobile carrier. Instead, plastoquinone or plastocyanin or possibly both are thought to serve as mobile carriers to connect the two photosystems. Plastocyanin is a small (10.5 kDa), water-soluble, copper- containing protein that transfers electrons between the cytochrome b6 f complex and P700. This protein is found in the lumenal space . In certain green algae and cyanobacteria, a c-type cytochrome is sometimes found instead of plastocyanin; which of these two proteins is synthesized depends on the amount of copper available to the organism.

The Photosystem I Reaction Center Reduces NADP+
The PSI reaction center complex is a large multisubunit complex (Figure 7.30) (Jordan et al. 2001). In contrast to PSII, a core antenna consisting of about 100 chlorophylls is a part of the PSI reaction center, P700. The core antenna and P700 are bound to two proteins, PsaA and PsaB, with molecular masses in the range of 66 to 70 . The antenna pigments form a bowl surrounding the electron transfer cofactors, which are in the center of the complex. In their reduced form, the electron carriers that function in the acceptor region of photosystem I are all extremely strong reducing agents. These reduced species are very unstable and thus difficult to identify. Evidence indicates that one of these early acceptors is a chlorophyll molecule, and another is a quinone species, phylloquinone, also known as vitamin K1. Additional electron acceptors include a series of three membrane-associated iron–sulfur proteins, or bound ferredoxins, also known as Fe–S centers FeSX, FeSA, and FeSB . Fe–S center X is part of the P700-binding protein; centers A and B reside on an 8 kDa protein that is part of the PSI reaction center complex. Electrons are transferred through centers Aand B to ferredoxin (Fd), a small, water-soluble iron–sulfur protein.
The membrane-associated flavoprotein ferredoxin–NADP reductase (FNR) reduces NADP+ to NADPH, thus completing the sequence of noncyclic electron transport that begins with the oxidation of water. In addition to the reduction of NADP+, reduced ferredoxin produced by photosystem I has several other functions in the chloroplast, such as the supply of reductants to reduce nitrate and the regulation of some of the carbon fixation enzymes.

Cyclic Electron Flow Generates ATP but no NADPH
Some of the cytochrome b6 f complexes are found in the stroma region of the membrane, where photosystem I is located. Under certain conditions cyclic electron flow from the reducing side of photosystem I, through the b6 f complex and back to P700, is known to occur. This cyclic electron flow is coupled to proton pumping into the lumen, which can be utilized for ATP synthesis but does not oxidize water or reduce NADP+. Cyclic electron flow is especially important as an ATP source in the bundle sheath chloroplasts of some plants that carry out C4 carbon fixation.

Some Herbicides Block Electron Flow
The use of herbicides to kill unwanted plants is widespread in modern agriculture. Many different classes of herbicides have been developed, and they act by blocking amino acid, carotenoid, or lipid biosynthesis or by disrupting cell division. Other herbicides, such as DCMU (dichlorophenyldimethylurea) and paraquat, block photosynthetic electron flow . DCMU is also known as diuron.

Paraquat has acquired public notoriety because of its use on marijuana crops. Many herbicides, DCMU among them, act by blocking electron flow at the quinone acceptors of photosystem II, by competing for the binding site of plastoquinone that is normally occupied by QB. Other herbicides, such as paraquat, act by accepting electrons from the early acceptors of photosystem I and then reacting with oxygen to form superoxide, O2 –, a species that is very damaging to chloroplast components, especially lipids.


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