Question 1
The above graph illustrates two lines that represent the immigration and extinction rates for an island based on its distance from mainland (solid line) and its size (dotted line). Which of the following is true for this island?
1. It is close to the mainland and is very small
2. It is far from the mainland and is very large
3. It is close to the mainland and is very large
4. It is far from the mainland and is very small.

Answer: 3
Explanation: Closer and larger island have higher immigration rate and lower extinction rate. Arriving colonists help sustain the presence of a species on a near island and prevent its extinction. Hence if you observe the graph the equilibrium point is reached, it has higher immigration rate as compared to extinction rate. Therefore option 3 is correct.

Question 2
The following figure is a “risk-graph” that illustrates the percentrisk a species faces towards extinction. The following are ranks assigned according to IUCN’s red list category:
(i) Critically endangered
(ii) Near threatened
(iii) Vulnerable
(iv) Least concern
Which one of the following is the most appropriate match between the percent-risk and their assigned rank?
1. a - (i), b - (iii), c - (iv), d - (ii)
2. a - (i), b - (iv), c - (iii), d - (ii)
3. a - (iii), b - (ii), c - (i), d - (iv)
4. a - (iv), b - (iii), c - (ii), d - (i)

 Answer: 1
 Explanation: Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups, specified through criteria such as rate of decline, population size, area of geographic distribution, and degree of population and distribution fragmentation.  Extinct : No known individuals remaining, Extinct in the wild: Known only to survive in captivity, or as a naturalized population outside its historic range, Critically Endangered Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild Endangered: High risk of extinction in the wild, Vulnerable:High risk of endangerment in the wild, Nearly Threatened: Likely to become endangered in the near future, Least Concern: Lowest risk (Does not qualify for a more atrisk category; widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.) Data Deficinet: Not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction.  Not Evaluated:Has not yet been evaluated against the criteria.

Question 3
Following table contains some of the generalizations of evolutionary biology:   Which of the following is correct match between Column I and Column II
1. A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iv), D - (iii)
2. A - (i), B - (iii), C - (iv), D - (ii)
3. A - (ii), B - (iii), C - (i), D - (iv)
4. A - (iv), B - (iii), C - (i), D - (ii)

Answer: 2
Explanation: Cope’s rule states that animal population lineages tend to increase in body size over evolutionary time.
Dollo’s law of irreversibility, states that “an organism never returns exactly to a former state, even if it finds itself placed in conditions of existence identical to those in which it has previously lived ... it always keeps some trace of the intermediate stages through which it has passed.
Van Valen’s law states that the probability of extinction for species and higher taxa (such as families and orders) is constant for each group over time; groups grow neither more resistant nor more vulnerable to extinction, however old their lineage is.
Occam’s razor (or Ockham’s razor) is a principle from philosophy and science. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the simpler one is usually better- also called the Principle of Parsimony.

Question 4
Given below are certain statements regarding plant-pathogen interactions:
A. The pattern recognition receptor (PRR), upon perceiving pathogen or microbe-associated patterns (PAMPs/MAMPs), activates plant defences resulting in pattern triggered immunity (PTI)
B. A vrPto is a resistance gene in tomato that acts against pathogenic attack by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato.
C. The effector molecules produced by pathogen is recognized by resistance ( R ) gene present in plants resulting into a defence strategy known as effector triggered immunity (ETI)
D. Defence mechanisms triggered in plants during PTI are usually stronger than those during ETI

Which one of the following combinations of above statements is correct?
1. A and B
2. C and D
3. A and C
4. B and D
 Answer: 3
Explanation: The first interaction between the plants and microbes take place in apoplast and is mediated by the recognition of microbial elicitors by the receptor proteins of the plants. These microbial elicitors, also known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), are recognized by the membrane- localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) of plants. The bacterial flagellin and elongation factor (EF)-Tu peptide surrogates, flg22 and elf18, and chitin, are common examples of PAMPs, which are recognized by the plant PRRs that include the three receptor-like kinases, flagellin-sensitive22 (FLS2), EF-Tu receptor (EFR), and chitin elicitor receptor kinase1 (CERK1). The successful recognition of microbial derived PAMPs by PRRs of the plants activates a first line of defense which is known as PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI).So A is correct.
However, resistance (R) proteins of plants recognize these effector proteins of pathogens and can induce a second line of defense which is known as the effector- triggered immunity (ETI) . ETI is quantitatively stronger and faster than PTI and can result in a localized cell death (hypersensitive response) to kill both pathogen and pathogen infected plant cells. C is correct and D is wrong. The avrPto gene of Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato triggers race-specific resistance in tomato plants carrying Pto, a resistance gene encoding a protein kinase. When introduced into P. s. tabaci, avrPto triggers resistance in tobacco W38 plants that carry the corresponding R gene. The AvrPto protein is believed to be secreted into host cells through the bacterial type III secretion pathway, where it activates disease resistance in tomato by interacting with Pto.So the AvrPto gene is from the bacteria not from the plant. So B is also wrong. So correct combination should be A and C.


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